50 FREE Preschool Social Studies & History Activities
50 free social studies & history ideas to use as curriculum, unit studies, or as a supplement to your current homeschool curriculum.
Martin Luther King Jr. Coloring Book and Reader Printable
Teach your kids about Martin Luther King Jr. with this great coloring and read aloud activity!
Teach your kids all about building roads and ancient history with this fun activity.
Where Do I Live Printable Activity
Kids will love learning about where they live using this fun printable activity.
A Jazzy Little Preschool Lesson
Learn about Jazz and Louis Armstrong with this fun music inspired history lesson.
Community Helpers Printable Paper Hats
Your kids will have a blast coloring these hats as they learn about community helpers.
Teach your little ones about different modes of transportation with these word cards.
Learn all about Indians and their culture with this creative teepee craft.
Patriotic History Trading Flash Cards
Learn all about the United States and our vast history with these fun printable trading cards.
Pom Pom American Flag Painting Craft
Your kids will love learning about the American Flag with this pom pom painting craft.
Practice letters, math, and more with this fun Ancient Egypt Free Printable Set!
Transform your classroom into the Wild West and learn all about cowboy life.
President’s Day Activities for Preschool
These activities are a great way to learn all about our country’s many presidents.
Discover all the countries around the world with these homemade passports!
Let your kids make their own flag or learn about different flags from around the world with this creative craft.
US Presidents for Kids Printable Book
Your kids will have fun learning about the presidents with this fun printable book.
Children of the World Printable Matching Game
This matching game is a great way for your child to get a first look at different cultures.
Free Preschool Pledge of Allegiance Printables
It’s never too early to start learning the Pledge of Allegiance with these free printables.
Learn about the different continents in fun and creative ways with these Montessori Continent Boxes.
Teach your kids about all the helpers who live in your community with these puzzles.
Post Office Activities for Kids
Your kids can learn all about the post office with these creative activities.
Pom Pom Bald Eagle Craft for Kids
Learn all about what makes the bald eagle special to American with this craft.
Teach your kids about the importance of community helpers with these printables.
Your kids can learn about racism, segregation, and Martin Luther King with this helpful craft and activity.
Cut and Paste Pledge of Allegiance Words Printable
Help your kids learn the Pledge of Allegiance with this printable.
Learn about the post office in a fun new way with this fun activity!

Simple Veterans Day Preschool Unit Study with Printables
Use this unit study to teach your kids about the importance of veterans and the armed forces.
Paper Plate Mayflower Thanksgiving Craft
Learn all about this important time in American history by doing this fun Mayflower craft.
How to Explore Money with Preschool Coin Sorting Fun
Teach your kids about different coins and their values with this fun sorting activity.
Your kids will have so much fun making their own flag using their hands!
Printable Firefighter Spot the Difference
Teach your kids about firefighters and community helpers with this spot the difference activity.
Paper Plate Uncle Sam for Preschool
Teach your kids about Uncle Sam with this creative paper plate craft.
If you’re looking for a fun way to teach your kids about Stonehenge, this lesson is perfect!
How to Create Colorful Coin Rubbings for President’s Day
Explore the presidents and coins with this fun coin rubbing activity.
Native Americans Plains Tribes Lesson
Your kids will have a blast making their own teepee and immersing themselves in Native American culture.
3 Responses to Mini Black History Month Pack
Learn about important historical figures in Black History with this pack.
Learning about Martin Luther King Jr. in Preschool
Teach your kids about Martin Luther King Jr. with these fun hands-on learning activities.
Flags of the World Coloring Pages and Posters
Your kids will love learning about flags from all over the world with these coloring pages and posters.
Printable Dinosaur Play Dough Mats
Travel back in time to learn all about the different types of dinosaurs with these play dough mats.
Teach your little ones about the USA with the help of Flat Stanley!
Help your preschooler learn about community workers with this fun sorting activity.
Your kids can learn about the first settlers and Thanksgiving with this fun activity.
Make a Book of World Structures
Teach your little ones about some pretty incredible landmarks with this book of world structures activity.
Europe Continent Study for Grade Schoolers
Your kids will love coloring in the different countries in Europe with this fun activity.
All About Me Hand Print Book for Preschoolers
Teach your kids all about themselves with the help of this fun book activity.
Your little ones can learn all about the different presidents in this fun book activity.
Build an Around Town Photo Wall
Help your kids learn about the city they live in with this fun interactive activity.
Teach your kids about the roman numerals and their important part in history.
Make an entire unit all about the post office with this helpful guide!
Teach your kids about an important historical figure Jackie Robinson with this fun hands-on craft.
Your kids may never see a real dinosaur fossil, but they can make their own with this fun craft!