Explore Our High School Resources

We know that high school can be tough, but we want to make it easier. Our site provides high school resources for students and parents with everything from advice on how to get into college to what you should wear for your first day of class. 

Explore Our High School Resources

We know that high school can be tough, but we want to make it easier. Our site provides high school resources for students and parents with everything from advice on how to get into college to what you should wear for your first day of class. 



Space Square Edge Matching Puzzle

- Sarah Carter

Can you rebuild the 3 x 3 square so that space-related images are formed in this space square edge matching puzzle? [...]

A Venmo Mystery: Honing Teens’ Inference Skills

- Laura Randazzo

Can your students read between the lines? Inference skills, the ability to figure out something that isn’t directly stated by… [...]

Who is the new CEO of Teach For America?

- garyrubinstein

From 1990 until 2013, the CEO of TFA was the founder, Wendy Kopp. Under her leadership the program grew from a small organization that struggled to make payroll into a powerful player in the education world. When Wendy left in… [...]

- Dana Huff

Zuihitsu is a Japanese poetry form that translates roughly to “running brush.” The idea behind a zuihitsu is to follow your “brush,” or pen, and see where it takes you. Zuihitsu can include short or long lines (think Walt Whitman).… [...]

Plant Possibilities

- Chris Hunter

My last series of posts centered on standards-based assessment, which for several years has been the focus of much of my work with teachers. I’ve been somewhat dragged into this work. I think–a lot–about my experiences in my own classroom… [...]