Hooray for school! Yay, yippee! We are so excited to be here with you today. My name is Simple School Source and I am a website that provides free preschool supplemental curriculum material, unit studies, or workshop ideas to keep kids entertained and engaged.
So…what do we have in store for you? Well how about some sight word practice? What about a game of matching cards? Maybe a math project would interest you? We have all your favorite subjects covered – plus more!
End of year kindergarten assessments are a great way for kindergarten teachers to see what your child knows, and what information they still need to master. My printable end of year kindergarten assessment will help you develop a baseline at… [...]
Click here to read 24 Practical Pretend Play Ideas + Why Pretend Play is So Important on Hands On As We Grow® Some not-so-extravagant pretend play ideas that you can do to help engage your child's imagination a bit if… [...]
I have been working with ESGI to get all my assessments in their system, which means that you can have a digital or paper form to use in your classroom!... The post Setting Up a Class in ESGI appeared first… [...]